
Work Vally! A New Hope for Algerian Freelancers!

     Work Vally is a new Algerian based, freelance platform, created by a team of very young Algerian entrepreneurs. A platform that connects Algerian project owners with local freelancers and service providers.

     One interesting thing about this initiative is that, it was created by a young, yet talented and ambitious team (TOUMI Mohammed Amine, Idea, Project Manager, BEKKAR Merouan, CTO, Full Stuck Dev and CHAIBI Chaima, CFO & Business Manager). (the team also involves LALMI Noufel & BEN ABDERREZAK Youcef, Full stuck web dev and BELAOUDJ Abdel Illah, App dev).

     The Work Vally team announced recently that they’re working on the finishing touches of their beta version of the platform, and it will be ready for launching withing the first week of November, both as a web and mobile app (Android and iOS), preparing also a strong marketing plan for their launch.

     Work Vally took a challenge of putting together a online marketplace for both:

     1- Freelancers, providing online and digital services (programming, graphic design, voice over…), free accounts, charged a flat fee (10%-12%) per project.

     2- Service providers and local contractors (craftsmen, lawyers, health-care professionals, private tutors…), VIP accounts, charged by monthly/yearly subscription.

     The team is currently operating from Mostaganem, where they received some help with their prototype from a local Incubator (did not announce the name), and they are running with their own pocket money (not funded yet).

     Despite the risk of loosing commissions on off-platform delivered projects and payments, Work Vally took the risk and integrated a direct messaging option between freelancers and project owners (the one feature, their rival and direct competitor were strongly criticized for not having).

     Work Vally will be accepting deposits and paying freelancers via wire transfers (CCP) and BaridiMob for starter, and planning on accepting PayPal and other payment methods later.

     Thanks to the “Work Vally” team for their answers, making this post possible : )

     Best of luck “Work Vally”!

     Algerian Echo ©


Founder of, a part time tech blogger, (and a master procrastinator too!)

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