
Try Fatoura! The New Invoice Generating App (and More!)

     The Algerian startup ecosystem is taking its first baby steps, and it may not need that “next brilliant idea” as much as it needs simple solutions to everyday problems, and that is the case with Fatoura App! A desktop software helping businesses of all sizes generate accurate invoices with few clicks!

       Fatoura App – تطبيق فاتورة is the idea of BEN HOURIA Abd Elmunaim, an engineer graduating from the National Polytechnic School of Algiers, in partnership with Lina FERAD, co-founder. (the team grew up later to 05 people).

     Fatoura was first launched in October 2020, with the help of the BRAINIAC Team, the project at first was personally funded, until they managed to obtain the “Startup Label” and got funded by the ASF – Algerian Startup Fund.

     The company is currently operating from Algiers, but they’ve managed to reach a couple of hundreds paying customers from all around the country!

     Fatoura app has got a ton of positive feedback online, from its users, for the variety of features it offers (automatic tax calculation, invoice branding, PDF and Excel exports, remote team working and synchronization via the cloud…)!

     The app offers a free download for the product, with the limit of generating 03 invoices per month, in addition to two other plans, Pro and Business.

     The app is continuously updated and is said to be working on other B2B tech solutions.

     Thanks to the Fatoura App team for their answers, making this post possible : )

     Best of luck Fatoura App!

     Algerian Echo ©


Founder of, a part time tech blogger, (and a master procrastinator too!)

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