
Get Rewards On Your Collected Plastic Waste With This Startup – WIIN

WIIN is one of the rare Algerian startups that are active in the green economy of the country. It’s a waste management company that is encouraging Algerians to recycle used plastic bottles, using gifts and discounts on local products and services. The company was started around October 2020, and it offers its clients door-to-door pickups of used plastic bottles, after calling their number of registering an account on their website, once a certain minimum of bottles is reached (currently the min of 100 unites).

The company is currently operating exclusively within the Wilaya of Mostaghanem and planning on growing to cover more Wilayas. The gifts and discounts the company offers, differ from: Fast food, restaurants, kitchen, decor and more…

WIIN in the year of 2021:

◉ 26.000 Kgs of recycled plastic!

◉ 420 families participated.

◉ 35.000 bottles recycled.

Best of luck WIIN!

Algerian Echo ©


Founder of, a part time tech blogger, (and a master procrastinator too!)

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